2019-20 E3 Innovation Grants
Grant Funding: $11,995.49
(9 fully funded & 7 partially funded)
Audio Lessons
Christine Reed
Perdew Elementary

Using daily 10 minute audio lessons, Perdew students will learn to pause and reflect, practice how to mindfully focus, become less stressed and have a greater sense of well being all thanks to Christine Reed. Also included is an option for parents to link in via email to these daily lessons promoting mindfulness. E3 provided funding for a one year license for this Inner Explorer program.

Pickle Ball
Jim Barnett and Michele Jacks
Elementary P.E. Program
Thanks to Jim Barnett and Michele Jacks were granted the district elementary P.E. Intramural program will now include the engaging game of Pickle Ball. With a paddle, a net and a ball, students will learn elements fo ping pong, tennis, and badminton, while learning this innovative, popular new sport. E3 Foundation purchased 98 paddles, 24 balls, and 8 nets for the program.
9 Square in the Air
Chad Nemecek
Day Creek Intermediate School
Thanks to Chad Nemeck, 9 Square in the Air is already a hit during Parent Nights and PE at Day Creek. It is so much fun and so popular that staff will now have a 2nd set to double the participation during PE and related events. This 2ng set includes a Black Light Accessory to make play even more exciting. Put on your neon and join the fun!

STARS Students Snack Cart
Sarah Meltreger
Heritage Intermediate School
Serve snacks. Share conversation. Curate skills. That is the mission for Sarah Meltreger's STARS students as they will work together to run a snack cart selling snacks to adults on campus. Student shell experience real-life work scenarios, problem solving skills, and social situations, all while working on academic skills such as handling money and assessing inventory. E3 funding will purchase the cart to assist providing these STARS students with this useful life skill experience.

Music Anyone?
Loren Martinez
Windrows Elementary
Loren Martinez along with the E3 Foundation is supporting the school wide Music Program at Windrows. In addition to Recorders provided by PTA for 4th graders, all TK-5 students experience music theory and music instruction twice a month. With a class set of musical instruments such as bells, rhythm sticks, blocks, tambourines, and other percussion instructions, and with a keyboard for instructional purposes, students will now have actual instruments for hands on music instruction.
Guided Reading
Kerry Hackman & Colony Teachers
Etiwanda Colony Elementary
Etiwanda Colony is using a variety of funding sources in their ongoing expansion of the Book Room with provides Guided Reading books of all levels to instruct students during Universal Access time. E3 funding will assist in purchasing challenging fiction and non-fiction material for all levels to support small group reading instruction.

Coding with SPHERO
Letty Lee
Solorio Elementary
E3 funding will support Letty Lee in teaching her kindergartens how to code using a set of 12 Sphero SPRK robots. Her young learners will collaborate, create, and problem solve as they use their Sphere to create simple shapes, then navigate through mazes and other STEM activities.
Justine Sterling
Perdew Elementary
Engaging students with STEM bins will assist Justine Sterling in following the District's initiative of "Building Tomorrow's Leaders Today". Using the resource kits provided by E3, students will explore, collaborate, create solutions, and spark interest in STEM career fields.

Engineering with Literacy
Melissa Neise
CLOUDS: Falcon Ridge
The CLOUDS preschool team at Falcon Ridge is using Fairy Tale and Folk Tale STEM kits to connect literacy with engineering at a developmentally appropriate level. Preschoolers learn to design a house that cannot be blown down construct a bridge to keep the goats safe, and more! E3 funds provided additional kits to allow for small group use during STEM Lab visits.

Hawk News
Jonathan Margrave
Heritage Intermediate School
Mr. Margraves's Leadership class creates a daily newscast broadcasting the day's announcements and video segments of special events. They use iPads and Chromebooks to write, produce, film and edit video. Though effective, those tools are not powerful enough to meet their needs. Their production will now become much more streamlined and efficient with the E3 funds toward an iMac computer to manage the large amounts of video in their productions.

Video Production
Kimberly Cataldo & Emily Gryte
West Heritage Elementary

Producing a news broadcast for the entire school to enjoy is a goal of the GATE program at West Heritage. Kimberly Cataldo and Emily Gryte are working with Rancho Cucamonga High School students who will demonstrate to their GATE student how to complete a bulletin segment from start to finish, including proper use of equipment. much technology is needed to support this project. E3 funding will provide a photo/video camera, tripods, microphones, and software to get this project launched.

Jr. Botball Robots
Matilda Kaneshina & Angela Daley
Day Creek Intermediate School
Matilda Kaneshina and Angela Daley are meeting STEAM standards in their 8th grade classrooms with students using Junior bobtail robots to learn how to code, to think critically, collaborate, communicate, and be creative in using real computer language to command their robot to complete tasks. E3 funding provided 3 additional robots to enrich this program.